Clement Gitonga - Data Analysis Portfolio

Data analyst skilled in SQL, Python, MS Excel & Power BI

Data Cleaning in SQL

In this project, we clean housing data using SQL Server


    Standardize Date Format
    Populate Property Address data where its is null
    Break out Address into Individual Columns (Address, City, State)
    Change Y and N to Yes and No in "Sold as Vacant" field
    Remove Duplicates
    Delete Unused Columns

Data Exploration in SQL

Covid-19 Data Exploration using SQL Server

Some key activites
What percentage of the population got Covid19?
Countries with highest infection rates
Created Temp table
Created Common Table Expression(CTE)
Created view to store data for future visualizations

Power BI: Analysis & visualization

Data used is from a survey carried on Data Professionals

Some key activites
Data transformation in power query
Promote first row to headers
Split column by delimeter and by character
Remove unused columns
Change data type for some columns
Filter out unrequired data
Load data into Power BI and create visuals

Extract Data from API
Using Python

FoodData Central is an integrated data system that provides expanded nutrient profile data and links to related agricultural and experimental research.
This script extracts food data from the SR 'Legacy Foods' category and lists the food, amino acids the food contains and level of amino acid